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Ви шукаєте "Poland and the USSR" за критеріями: Тема

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Antykościelna międzynarodówka. Współpraca polskiego Urzędu do spraw Wyznań z jego odpowiednikami w państwach „demokracji ludowej” (1954–1962)
The Anti-Church International. The Cooperation of the Polish Office for Religious Denominations with its Counterparts in the States of the “People’s Democracy” (1954–1962)
Noszczak, Bartłomiej
Office for Religious Denominations
Council for the Russian Orthodox Church by the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR
State Office for Church Affairs of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
Department for Church Affairs in the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
Office for Church Affairs of the Hungarian People’s Republic
State Office for Religious Denominations of the Hungarian People’s Republic
Secretariat of State for Church Affairs of the German Democratic Republic
international contacts of the Office for Religious Denominations
religious denominations policy of the People’s Poland
religious denominations policy of the states of the Eastern Block (of the states of the so-called people’s democracy/
behind the Iron Curtain)
cooperation of communist departments for religious denominations
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Дата публікації:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
Постачальник контенту:
Biblioteka Nauki
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