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Wyszukujesz frazę "King, T. T. Autor" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

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The history of Poland under Augustus II in which are contained thedethronement of Augustus, the character election and coronation of Stanislaus, the several battles between the Swedish and Saxon armies, the entrance of Charles XII into Saxony and his conduct there, his invasion of Muscovy and defeat at Pultowa, the fall and exile of Stanislaus, the re-accession of Augustus, the famous confederacy and stand of the Polish nobility against the Saxon and Russian troops, the massacre of Thorn and its consequences from the protestant powers, the conduct of Augustus to secure the reversion of the crown to his son to the present king, with the other important affairs of his reign, his sickness, death and character. Translated from the French of the abbe de Parthenay by John Stacie Esq. T. 2.
Des Roches de Parthenay, Jean Baptiste (1690-1766) Autor
Brindley, John (1728-1758) Księgarz
Stacie, John Tłumaczenie
Cogan, Francais Księgarz
Wilcox, John Księgarz
Stanisław Leszczyński (król Polski ; 1677-1766)
Karol XII (król Szwecji ; 1682-1718)
August II Mocny (król Polski ; 1670-1733)
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Data publikacji:
London : printed for F. Cogan [...], J. Wilcox [...], and J. Brindley [...]
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    Wyświetlanie 1-9 z 9

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