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Tytuł pozycji:

Numerically robust synthesis of discrete-time H[infinity] estimators based on dual J-lossless factorisations

Numerically robust synthesis of discrete-time H[infinity] estimators based on dual J-lossless factorisations
Suchomski, P.
system dyskretno-czasowy
filtr liniowy
równanie Riccatiego
metody numeryczne
discrete-time systems
state estimation
linear filters
Riccati equation
numerical methods
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Control and Cybernetics; 2003, 32, 4; 761-802
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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An approach to the numerically reliable synthesis of the H[infinity] suboptimal state estimators for discretised continuous-time processes is presented. The approach is based on suitable dual J-lossless factorisations of chain-scattering representations of estimated processes. It is demonstrated that for a sufficiently small sampling period the standard forward shift operator techniques may become ill-conditioned and numerical robustness of the design procedures can be significantly improved by employing the so-called delta operator models of the process. State-space models of all H[infinity] sub-optimal estimators are obtained by considering the suitable delta-domain algebraic Riccati equation and the corresponding generalised eigenproblem formulation. A relative condition number of this equation is used as a measure of its numerical conditioning. Both regular problems concerning models having no zeros on the boundary of the delta-domain stability region and irregular (non-standard) problems of models with such zeros are examined. For the first case, an approach based on a dual J-lossless factorisation is proposed while in the second case an extended dual J-lossless factorisation based on a zero compensator technique s required. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate some properties of the considered delta-domain approach.

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