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Tytuł pozycji:

Pyrolysis and incineration in polymer waste management system

Pyrolysis and incineration in polymer waste management system
Wróblewska-Krepsztul, Jolanta
Rydzkowski, Tomasz
energy waste
polymer waste
odpady energetyczne
odpady polimerowe
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering; 2019, 3, 4; 337-342
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Waste and associated risks are becoming an increasingly noticeable problem in environmental protection in our time. The management of especially industrial waste is a difficult and at the same time a significant problem. Incineration is the basic process of thermal utilization. The combustion process is not neutral for the environment, and is associated with the emission of dust, sulfur and nitrogen compounds as well as dioxins and furans. Therefore, combustion installations must be equipped with a number of devices for cleaning the exhaust gases. The most primary process of obtaining useful energy from biomass, i.e. combustion, is characterized by specific dynamics. Regardless of the technique, it is affected by physical and chemical processes. The condition of economic and technical correctness of co-firing is maintaining the optimal share of biomass in the fuel mixture and its appropriate quality. Effective co-firing of the prepared mixture can be carried out in existing grate, fluid and dust boilers. Pyrolysis is a stage in both the combustion and gasification process. In this process, as a result of the thermal decomposition of the structure of the organic fuel, we obtain carbonizate as well as tar and gas products. In the pyrolysis process, solid fuel is transformed into two other forms: gaseous fuel and liquid fuel. The share of individual forms and their composition depends on the type and composition of biomass, as well as the method of conducting the pyrolysis process. In highly developed countries, works are ongoing to improve and increase the efficiency of biomass combustion processes and co-firing of biomass with coal, also in circuits with a syngas gas turbine. In addition to the development of technology, great emphasis is also placed on the search for new methods of biomass processing, as well as methods of processing polymeric materials, which until now have caused difficulties in processing.

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