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Praca fizyczna w życiu monastycznym: argumentacja św. Augustyna w De opere monachorum

Praca fizyczna w życiu monastycznym: argumentacja św. Augustyna w De opere monachorum
Manual labour in monastic life: st. Augustine’s argumentation in De opere monachorum
Turek, Waldemar
praca fizyczna
praca duchowa
głoszenie Ewangelii
wzrost duchowy
dobra materialne
troska o życie
przykład apostolski
nakaz apostolski
życie wieczne
praca i modlitwa
duch i ciało
manual work
spiritual labour
the preaching of the Gospel
spiritual growth
material goods
concern for life
the Apostle’s example
the apostolic precept
eternal life
work and prayer
the spirit and the body
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Vox Patrum; 2018, 70; 171-191
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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This article deals with manual labour in the life of monks as taught by St. Augustine in his treatise De opere monachorum. It describes the social context of the theme with particular reference to the situation in monastic communities of Carthage. Many monks in St. Augustine’s time were against manual labour. The article presents the structure of the Saint’s argumentation. St. Augustine clearly was in favour of the manual work of monks -and indirectly also of that of all Christians. The article analyses his exegesis of two Biblical texts (Mt 6:25-34 and 2Thess 3:10) that explain the need and beauty of work for daily spiritual growth. This is shown primarily on the basis of the teaching and example of the Apostle St. Paul, who was employed in various ways. Then the position of St. Augustine is discussed, according to whom the working monk gains the means of his support, cooperates with the Creator and continues His creative achievement. Work that allows the monk to attain some profit in temporal life and maintains the necessary equilibrium between the needs of the body and soul is shown above all to be a means for the attaining of the reward of eternal life. The monk, however, may be dispensed of manual labour, in part or even totally, in view of pastoral ministry, which plays a primary role in his vocation and mission.

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