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Tytuł pozycji:

Założenia aksjologiczne oraz warianty dyskursu aborcyjnego

Założenia aksjologiczne oraz warianty dyskursu aborcyjnego
Axiological assumptions and variants of abortion discourse
Król, Małgorzata
życie człowieka
godność człowieka
niewspółmierność wartości
human life
human dignity
incommensurability of values
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
CC BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2014, XCII (92); 103-127
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The article presents selected problems relevant for the contentious issue of abortion and related discourses indicating that one of the characteristic features of abortion discourse is its mediatization. The author aims to characterize the constraints on abortion discourses and the varied environments in which different types of such discourses emerge. Abortion discourses are sociolinguistically differentiated and may exhibit different styles and modes of expression. Although they share the scope of the subject matter involved as in all cases they are centered on abortion-related problems, the field of discourse in each case is defined by the nature of the communicative situation in which a particular discourse is embedded. All abortion discourses are underlined with particular assumptions concerning the nature of human life and its beginning, as well as the issues of the dignity and liberty of the human person. The author suggests that what really hampers abortion discourses and prevents their participants from reaching a consensus is the fact that people who engage in such disputes are faced with the incommensurability of the values which translate into decisive factors and the final arguments used by interacting discussants. Another problem is posed by the fact that the two extreme positions in the debate are formulated with the use of different styles and registers, which results in the clash of asymmetric discourses. Finally, it is not insignificant that subjectively important values are much varied and that they must coexist with two main sets or “families” of abortion-oriented fundamental values present in the polarised camps.

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