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On the way to dumbing down…The case of Central Europe

On the way to dumbing down…The case of Central Europe
Wyka, Angelika W.
Central Europe
Western Europe
foreign ownership
German publishing houses
entertainment journalism
EU enlargement
“dumbing down”
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Central European Journal of Communication; 2009, 2, 1(2); 133-147
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The initial assumptions that foreign capital, know-how and experience would contribute to the development of the East Central European media in terms of their content, quality and profession- alism only in a positive way were found to be wrong. Five years afer Eastern and Central European countries “achieved” membership to the European Union, the unfortunate characteristics of East Cen- tral Europe’s media have, interalia, been devaluation of quality journalism, homogenization of media content, standardization of media content, uncritical reporting and commercialization/tabloidization. Private media’s desire is to achieve commercial success and to have the largest audience possible. In large part, hunting for this public audience has been accomplished by providing it with imported low-quality programming, sensationalist stories, talk and reality shows and so on (broadcast media). In other words, foreign investors are pushing their own agenda on consumers by importing serials, soap-operas and talk-shows. As for print media, homogenization (internationalization/europeization) of the business model has resulted in so-called carbon copies or clones of the Western publications (for instance: tabloids Fakt, Blikk or Blask). At the end of the day, it must be acknowledged that this all infl uences the overall quality of journal- ism. Indeed, efforts are concentrated at making profi ts at the expense of quality. Furthermore, com- mitments to ethical standards, which would be regarded as a minimum requirement in the home country, are frequently neglected in the host country. Th is paper will draw attention to the impact of foreign investment into the press and broadcasting on media performance in the East Central Europe’s region fi ve years after the EU enlargement. Ultimately, it will demonstrate how foreign investors are dulling public awareness – “dumbing down” to make profit.

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