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Tytuł pozycji:

Thermal Deformation of Moulding and Core Sands with an Inorganic Binder Containing a Relaxation Additive

Thermal Deformation of Moulding and Core Sands with an Inorganic Binder Containing a Relaxation Additive
Bobrowski, A.
Drożyński, D.
Jakubski, J.
Szumera, M.
Kaczmarska, K.
Grabowska, B.
moulding sand
inorganic binder
geopolymer binder
thermal deformation
dilatometric studies
masa formierska
spoiwo nieorganiczne
spoiwo geopolimerowe
odkształcanie termiczne
badania dylatometryczne
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
CC BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PL
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2018, 18, 4; 93-98
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The paper presents the results of an investigation of the thermal deformation of moulding sands with an inorganic (geopolymer) binder with a relaxation additive, whose main task is to reduce the final (residual) strength and improves knocking-out properties of moulding sand. The moulding sand without a relaxation additive was the reference point. The research was carried out using the hot-distortion method (DMA apparatus from Multiserw-Morek). The results were combined with linear deformation studies with determination of the linear expansion factor (Netzsch DIL 402C dilatometer). The study showed that the introduction of relaxation additive has a positive effect on the thermal stability of moulding sand by limiting the measured deformation value, in relation to the moulding sand without additive. In addition, a relaxation additive slightly changes the course of the dilatometric curve. Change in the linear dimension of the moulding sand sample with the relaxation additive differs by only 0.05%, in comparison to the moulding sand without additive.

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