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Tytuł pozycji:

Analysis of the surface geometry of the orthodontic archwire and their influence on the bacterial adhesion

Analysis of the surface geometry of the orthodontic archwire and their influence on the bacterial adhesion
Ziębowicz, B.
Woźniak, A.
Ziębowicz, A.
Ziembińska-Buczyńska, A.
atomic force microscope
confocal microscopy
pitting corrosion
łuk ortodontyczny
mikroskop sił atomowych
mikroskopia konfokalna
korozja wżerowa
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering; 2019, 93, 1-2; 32-40
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Purpose: The aim of this work is to characterize the surface geometry of the orthodontic archiwire and their influence of the pitting corrosion resistance and bacterial adhesion. Design/methodology/approach: In the paper, the results of the SEM/EDS analysis and microscopic observation of the samples surface and analysis of geometrical structure with the use Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Confocal Microscopy were presented as well as the pitting corrosion test and surface roughness and microhardness measurements were performed. Additionally the microbiological study after bacterial breeding with the use Scanning Electron Microscope was carried out. Findings: In the basis of the investigation, it can be concluded that the surface geometry of archwire has a significant impact on their pitting corrosion resistance in artificial saliva solution and on the bacterial adhesion. The obtained results show satisfactory properties and surface geometry of the tested orthodontic wires for use in the human oral environment. Research limitations/implications: In the future, it is planned to extend the research with physicochemical properties and the influence of oral hygiene products on the corrosive behaviour of the material. Limitations in the conducted tests refer to archwire design – a small diameter making measurements difficult. Practical implications: The oral environment is an extremely aggressive corrosive environment. The orthodontic elements should have very good corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. The focus should be on continuously improving orthodontic wires in terms of material quality and topography of its surface topography. Originality/value: The research is conducted in the field of biomedical engineering, which is part of material engineering and is used for the field of dentistry and microbiology.

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