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The water outflow from neighbouring mountain catchments in the Polish Carpathians : A comparative analysis

The water outflow from neighbouring mountain catchments in the Polish Carpathians : A comparative analysis
Kowalczyk, Agnieszka W.
Jaguś, Andrzej
hydrological data
mountain catchment
water outflow
water resources
water run-off
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
CC BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Unported
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 58; 148--157
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The study covered water resources of two mountain streams in the Polish Carpathians. These were the Biała Woda and Czarna Woda streams, the catchments of which are adjacent to each other. Water flows in both streams were measured during the hydrological years from 2006 to 2020. Next, water outflows from the catchments were calculated. The study aimed to determine differences in the water resources of those catchments in a very small mountainous area. The study showed quantitative similarity in water resources in the entire multi-annual period but at the same time large differences in shorter periods. Instantaneous and daily outflows showed the largest differences, but differences in annual outflows of up to 20% were also recorded. Therefore, hydrological data from operational cross-sections to assess water resources of neighbouring uncontrolled watercourses should cover multi-annual mean values. It was found that during periods of increased runoff (from melting snow or precipitation), the outflow from the Biała Woda catchment was much larger, while during rain-free periods, the outflow from the Czarna Woda catchment prevailed. All short-term flood like outflows were at least several tens of per cent higher in the Biała Woda catchment. The higher retention capacity of the Czarna Woda catchment can be attributed to the land use (mainly forest areas). The results can be used for modelling catchments of similar parameters and determining their retention capacity.

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