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Tytuł pozycji:

Numerical research on the special container of increased technical and design requirements

Numerical research on the special container of increased technical and design requirements
Rybak, P.
Borkowski, W.
Hryciów, Z.
Michałowski, B.
Wiśniewski, A.
Wysocki, P.
numerical research
dynamical loads
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Journal of KONES; 2013, 20, 3; 347-352
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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This paper presents issues related to the process of designing a 30-feet container to be used as a mobile laboratory for collecting the environmental samples and identification of biological threats. Tactical and technical assumptions for the container, taking into account the requirements of the transport and movement of the army at long distances and in the difficult areas by means of transport characterized by increased traction properties, made the starting point. A possible way of relocation on the land roads using commonly available and military means of transport, possibilities of loading and unloading using the autonomic system and automatic levelling system are described. It describes the process of creating the MES model of the supporting structure and assumptions taken for that purpose. The basic assumption included invariability of shape, geometry and dimensions of a container compared to containers recognized in the world as the standard ones. Some results of numerical calculations carried out at two stages are presented. At the first stage, the issues on the own values were solved. Frequencies of own vibrations and associated forms of vibrations were identified. At the second stage, forced container vibrations were analysed. Resistance calculations were performed for the supporting structure of the container in the aspect of evaluation of the strain condition of the whole structure, as well as its components for assumed load variants. A variability of resistance calculations takes into account such cases as the influence of the under-container trailer riding on the uneven ground, loading and unloading a container from a trailer using autonomous system, diversity of loads on the supports resulting from the change of the ground density under the supports. A preliminary analysis of container transport possibilities and transport unit traction properties have been also carried out.

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