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The influence of workpiece speed on microhardness and residual stresses in vacuum-carburised 20MnCr5 steel using the single-piece flow method

The influence of workpiece speed on microhardness and residual stresses in vacuum-carburised 20MnCr5 steel using the single-piece flow method
Sawicki, J.
Januszewicz, B.
Sikora, M.
Witkowski, B.
surface grinding
residual stress
vacuum carburising
single-piece flow
szlifowanie powierzchni
naprężenie szczątkowe
nawęglanie próżniowe
przepływ jednoczęściowy
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering; 2022, 115, 2; 66--75
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Purpose: To determine the impact of selected conditions of abrasive treatment on the value and distribution of microhardness and residual stresses in layers carburised by a continuous single-piece flow method. Design/methodology/approach: Reference pieces were low pressure carburised at 920°C and then heat-treated in a 4D Quench heat treatment chamber at a pressure of 7 bar and tempered at 190ºC for 3 hours. In the next stage, samples were ground at various vw piece speeds, introducing grinding fluid into the cutting zone using the WET spraying method or using the MQL method at a minimum flow rate. The distribution of microhardness and residual stresses generated in the technological outer layer of the pieces following heat and chemical treatment and the grinding process was measured. Findings: Results of the tests indicated that the vw piece speed and method used to supply cooling and lubricating fluid to the grinding zone had an impact on selected parameters of the technological outer layer of flat samples made of 20MnCr5 steel. The process of grinding using an electrocorundum grinding wheel results in a deterioration of residual stresses in the material. For each of the three analysed vw piece speeds, reduced changes in material microhardness prior to cutting occur in the outer layer of samples ground using GF supplied at a minimum flow rate using the MQL method. Research limitations/implications: Environmental considerations and having to conform to increasingly stringent regulations related to environmental protection and employee safety motivate researchers and businesses to entirely eliminate or reduce the use of grinding fluids in the grinding process and, therefore, to optimise grinding technology. Practical implications: Modern manufacturing industry requires the grinding process, which follows heat and chemical treatment, to be performed with the highest possible efficiency. However, retaining high parameters of the technological outer layer in comparison to the sample material following vacuum carburisation (before grinding) is extremely difficult. An optimised configuration of parameters of the grinding process and method of supplying grinding fluids enables meeting the current and future high expectations of the industry in this regard. Originality/value: The tests have enabled us to determine the impact of the applied vw workpiece speed and method of supplying grinding fluid on microhardness and residual stresses. Generally speaking, grinding with an electrocorundum grinding wheel results in a deterioration of residual stresses. For both methods of supplying GF (WET and MQL), the distribution of microhardness in the material of the samples ground with the highest workpiece speed (18.0 m/min) indicated no significant differences with regard to the distribution of microhardness in the material of the samples following heat and chemical treatment.

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