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Tytuł pozycji:

Віра як квінтесенція концептуальної картини світу письменників-полемістів епохи раннього бароко

Віра як квінтесенція концептуальної картини світу письменників-полемістів епохи раннього бароко
Faith as the Quintessence of the Conceptual World View of Writers- Polemists of Ukrainian Early Baroque
Slipushko, Oksana
Katyuzhynska, Anastasiya
conceptual world view
polemical literature
Union of Brest
Early BaroqueMeletij Smotrytskyj
Christophor Filalet
Hypatius Potij
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie; 2019, 6; 82-95
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The article investigates the peculiarities of the interpretation of faith as a quintessence in the conceptual world view of writers-polemists of the Early Baroque epoch. It is clarified that religious and literary controversy was caused by the adoption of the Union of Brest. In Ukrainian society, in fact, there was a schism between the supporters of different religious denominations into those who supported or rejected the Union. Therefore, the aim of the polemists was to establish the veracity of faith. The works of M. Smotrytskyj, Ch. Filalet, and H. Potij are created in accordance with the conceptual space of polemical literature of the Early Baroque epoch and represent diametrically opposed opinions on the interpretation of the Union. M. Smotrytskij and Ch. Filalet are against the Union and Catholicism, and as such express the idea of the necessity to protect the Greek Orthodox Church. Against this view, H. Potij demonstrates solidarity with the conception of the supporters of the Union, which contradicts the main ideas of M. Smotrytskij and Ch. Filalet. However, the concept of faith as the main condition of Christian life and the manifestation of spiritual values of personality acquires the highest axiological characteristic in the works of the polemists. Faith is the dominant philosophical and ideological category of the conceptual world view of the writers, a peculiar key to the implementation of the authors’ position in the controversy. The ideological sense of their works, which is embodied in religious concepts, represents the peculiarities of the outlook of the Early Baroque epoch. In the works of the polemists, the first priority is faith, which is God’s gift and creates existential dimensions of personality. Actually, faith is conceived as the basis of human life and the formation of a mentally conscious and value-oriented nation.

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