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Babeszjoza człowieka i psa domowego; etiologia, chorobotwórczość, diagnostyka

Babeszjoza człowieka i psa domowego; etiologia, chorobotwórczość, diagnostyka
Babesiosis of human and domestic dog; ethiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics
Skotarczak, B.
diagnostyka molekularna
choroby pasozytnicze
markery genetyczne
choroby czlowieka
zwierzeta domowe
markery molekularne
pies domowy
choroby zwierzat
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Wiadomości Parazytologiczne; 2007, 53, 4; 271-280
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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This article presents the current state of our knowledge on babesiosis (piroplasmosis), one of the dangerous, invasive disease of humans and animals, transmitted by ticks. It is included among emerging diseases because its spread and significance have increased in recent years. This sickness is caused by intraerythrocytic parasites belonging to the Babesia species and it is a well−known zoonosis occurring in animals; as a human disease it was unknown almost till the first half of the last century. The intensified migration of human population and human interference in a forest biotope caused that number of recognized cases has grown considerably in recent years. Piroplasmosis in dogs is widely spread all over the world and it is caused by several Babesia species. The principal etiological factor of babesiosis in dogs is B. canis, which turned out to be a collective species represented by three subspecies for which the vectors are three different species of ticks. Their geographical extent indicates the endemic areas for this often fatal disease. A technique, the most often applied in the detection of Babesia is a full blood smear stained with Giemsa or Wright method. However, the estimation of the specimen depends to a large extent on the experience of the diagnostician. The immunological and serological methods are characterized with a high specificity and sensitivity but there are patients in which the false negative results have been obtained. Therefore, the traditional methods have been complemented or even ousted by the molecular methods, in which polymerase chain reaction (PCR) brings the biggest profits. However, the standardization of this technique still remains under elaboration. The usefulness of the PCR protocol has been tested with different molecular destinations from which sequences of genes encoding rRNA for small ribosomal subunit are taken into consideration. Within ribosome, the evolutionally conservative areas can be distinguished, i.e. having the nucleotide sequences similar to the majority or all Babesia species and to others closely related to them. Such construction of gene enables designing of starters complementary to conservative sites to PCR, detecting a large group of related organisms. Another molecular marker allowing on the accurate identification of Babesia is gene encoding the ß-tubuline protein. There are two introns within this gene, from which the first one shows a big variability with regard to the length as well as to the nucleotide sequence, therefore, the PCR products show a diverse length depending on the Babesia species. But these differences are too small for some species and, confirming methods that extend time of diagnostics are essential. The other genes which sequences can be used as molecular aim to the detection of DNA and Babesia species diversification are genes encoding the Heat Shock Proteins HSP 70. However, the gene hsp 70 shows a big conservatism of the nucleotide sequence even between the non related organisms; therefore, this method, based on the amplification of whole genome or its fragments, applies mainly in analysis of molecular phylogenetic.

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