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Tytuł pozycji:

Cybersecurity and International Criminal Law

Cybersecurity and International Criminal Law
Bodó, Bálint-Imre
Criminal Law
International Law
International Criminal Law
Other Inhuman Acts
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Cybersecurity and Law; 2022, 7, 1; 110-129
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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In this paper I thoroughly discuss the possibility of committing crimes which would fall under the Rome Statute, with regards to the very notion of cybersecurity. I conclude that we need extensively empirical research and solution to many aspects pointed out in my paper. First, we need to find an acceptable definition of cybersecurity to work with this process, and in order to understand the world and possibilities it creates for us. Furthermore, the 1998 Rome Statute needs an update, because the world of the internet creates opportunities never seen before, and the international case law is unable to cope with such distinct acts. Therefore, I believe that we need to find the next „Nuremberg Trials”, the next generational solution to a world and crimes never seen before. We need the theoretical and legal revolution which did come after the World World II, and after the ICTY, ICTR and Sierra Leone ad hoc Courts. I truly hope that this short and hence mashup summarizing paper is just an indicator of papers and conferences to come, with solutions and more and more ideas on how we solve these two phased problems, namely having to find 1. An ultimate definition for cybersecurity 2. Having a solution of how to interpret it to the classical notion of International Criminal Law. if we conclude that we are unable to handle this issue, I suggest to create a panel on international or V4 level on either the reorganization of customary international criminal law under the Rome Statute or on the ever-changing definition of cybersecurity.

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