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Tytuł pozycji:

Ocena stopnia antropopresji wód podziemnych w rejonach poszukiwania i eksploatacji złóż węglowodorów

Ocena stopnia antropopresji wód podziemnych w rejonach poszukiwania i eksploatacji złóż węglowodorów
Assessment of the anthropopressure degree of groundwater in the areas of hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation
Krogulec, Ewa
Sawicka, Katarzyna
Zabłocki, Sebastian
wody podziemne
monitoring dedykowany
złoża węglowodorów
zanieczyszczenie antropogeniczne
wskaźniki geochemiczne
dedicated monitoring
hydrocarbon deposits
anthropogenic pollution
geochemical indicators
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2020, 68, 4; 242--248
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The aim of the study was to propose a range of interpretation of the results of qualitative groundwater monitoring by using geochemical indicators to assess the degree of anthropogenic groundwater pollution. The location, scope and frequency of groundwater testing dedicated to the possibility of indicating the degree of pressure resulting from the activity in the field of hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation is proposed. On the basis of multistage monitoring research in the area of hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation, the qualitative groundwater base state was determined and change trends were characterized at each subsequent testing stage. Anthropogenic transformations of groundwater chemistry are the result of many overlapping factors, which is why the reason of water quality change is difficult to identify. The very statement of the presence of high values of physico-chemical parameters in waters does not have to prove the influence of the monitored object on their composition. It is proposed to use geochemical indicators: enrichment factor, pollution factor, geoaccumulation factor, and pollution load indicator to assess the degree of anthropogenic pollution of groundwater in the area of hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation. The geochemical indicators, which are proposed for use, enable the identification of substances of anthropogenic origin in waters and the detection of even the initial degree of anthropopressure on their composition in specific mining activities.

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