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Tytuł pozycji:

Regionalizacja tektoniczna Polski-Polska południowa (blok górnośląski i blok małopolski)

Regionalizacja tektoniczna Polski-Polska południowa (blok górnośląski i blok małopolski)
Tectonic subdivision of Poland: southern Poland (Upper Silesian Block and Małopolska Block)
Buła, Z.
Żaba, J.
Habryn, R.
regionalizacja tektoniczna
blok górnośląski
blok małopolski
plan podpermsko-mezozoiczny
jednostki tektoniczne
regional subdivision
Upper Silesian Block
Małopolska Block
sub-Permian-Mesozoic paleosurface
tectonic units
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2008, 56, 10; 912-920
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The attempt to divide the Upper Silesian Block and the Małopolska Block into tectonic units has been based on a general map at scale of 1:1000000, without Permian-Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata. Cartographic, general and monographic works regarding formation of Precambrian basement of both of the blocks have been discussed and presented, and data concerning development of sedimentation, tectonics, and structure of the Paleozoic cover of the blocks were the background for the suggested division. The Upper Silesian Block is a part of a larger unit determined as the Brunovistulicum, which together with the Brno Block are entirely located within the borders of the Czech Republic. The Brunovistulicum and the Małopolska Block vary in formation of Precambrian basement and covering Paleozoic formations, what proves different paleogeographical-facial and paleotectonic development. Current data do not allow determining their southern range, where both units are within the range of the orogeny of the Outer Carpathians and quite possibly in the range of the Inner Carpathians. The boundary of the Brunovistulicum and the Małopolska Block along the part between Lubliniec and Cracow and farther to the vicinity of Bochnia and Nowy Sącz is relatively well defined and documented. It is a narrow Cracow-Lubliniec fault zone, approximately 500 m wide, cutting and moving all rock series of the Precambrian and the Paleozoic. The fault zone of the Odra River probably forms its NW continuation. The following tectonic units have been distinguished in the Upper Silesian Block: 1) Moravian-Silesian Fold-and-Thrust Belt, 2) Upper Silesian Fold Zone, 3) Upper Silesian Trough, 4) Bielsko-Biała Dome, 5) Rzeszotary Horst, 6) Liplas Graben. There is only one tectonic unit distinguished in the Małopolska Block-Kielce Fold Belt, dipping towards NW-SE, along the NE boundary of the block. Paleozoic formations building the unit represent thrust fault structure. In this case, the Kielce Fold Belt significantly varies from the other parts of the Małopolska Block, where Paleozoic formations build numerous small block structures.

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