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Tytuł pozycji:

Die Frauen auf Kongressen und philosophischen Versammlungen1 (Überprüfung der Veröffentlichungen nach dem Kongress)

Die Frauen auf Kongressen und philosophischen Versammlungen1 (Überprüfung der Veröffentlichungen nach dem Kongress)
Women in philosophical congresses and conventiones (the overview of postcongresional publications)
Polańska, Julita
philosophical congress
women in Philosophy
women higher education for women womanhood
philosophischer Kongress
Frauen in der Philosophie
Hochschulbildung für Frauen
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Wydział Humanistyczny
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL
International Journal of Slavic Studies Transgressive, Pragmatic and Speculative Horizons of Popular Literature and Culture; 2021, 1, 3; 157-175
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Higher education for women in Europe became public after The First World War and the October Revolution. Before this time women had to really make effort to obtain it. Nevertheless women were taking part in scientific conferences especially philosophical ones. There are no data how many women finished philosophy courses in Europe. To find it out, one would need to visit every single university separately, analyse lists of female graduates and then aggregate it. This article shows that women not only studied philosophy in the XIX century, not only translated philosophical litrature in native languages, not only run philosophical publishing houses, but also gave philosophical lectures. At the same time this article shows, that women took part in scientific and philosophical life at the same level as men. Therefore they participadet in conferences and philosophical congresses. Until 1918 there were four global philosophical congresses: in Paris (1900), in Geneva (1905), in Heidelberg (1908) and again in Bologna (1911). In this paper we analyse women's speeches in these congresses and present their short intelectual biographies. We rely on published Books of Papers.

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