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Tytuł pozycji:

(Nie)zdolność do reformowania szkolnictwa wyższego i nauki w Polsce, czyli zaniedbania w zakresie wiedzy

(Nie)zdolność do reformowania szkolnictwa wyższego i nauki w Polsce, czyli zaniedbania w zakresie wiedzy
Dziedziczak-Foltyn, Agnieszka
higher education and science
sociology of knowledge
public policy
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
CC BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0
Kultura i Edukacja; 2016, 3(113); 258-273
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The paper focuses of the role of scientific knowledge in the processes of conducting reforms and public policy. The case of higher education and science reforms in Poland carried out over the period of 25 years of new political, social and economic conditions shows primary knowledge negligence of the reformers which undoubtedly affected the nature of the current higher education and science system, reformed several times already. It also furnishes some recommendations on how these processes may be improved. In the empirical dimension, the starting point was the concept of metaknowledge (i.e knowledge about knowledge), encompassing three aspects connected with generating and using knowledge in the context of higher education and science reforms, which are ringfenced basing on different methodologies: (1) knowledge about reforming – theoretical literature query; (2) knowledge in reforming – analysis of experts’ reports; (3) knowledge of reformers – results of studies on the processes of learning and knowledge management in public administration. The postulate of a broader use of scientific knowledge in reform processes is an attempt to indicate one of the key directions to follow when repairing the higher education and science system. For that reason, the role of social sciences has been highlighted, including, in particular, the role of sociologists in reform processes (as theoreticians and experts in the area of higher education and science). Furthermore, the need for sociologists to go back to the role of social expertsengineers has been signalled.

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