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A review of inflation from 1906 to 2022: a comprehensive analysis of inflation studies from a global perspective

A review of inflation from 1906 to 2022: a comprehensive analysis of inflation studies from a global perspective
Wang, Xindi
Xu, Zeshui
Wang, Xinxin
Skare, Marinko
visualization tool
policy suggestions
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Oeconomia Copernicana; 2022, 13, 3; 595-631
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Research background: Inflation has always been the core issue of economic research and there are many academic research achievements in this field. In recent years, global inflation has intensified, and many scholars focus on research in this field again, providing certain reference value for countries around the world to formulate corresponding macro policies. Purpose of the article: The five-year impact factors are used as the evaluation criteria in this paper, and 1,637 high-quality documents on inflation from 1906 to 2022 are collected from the Web of Science Core Collection database. Using bibliometrics, a comprehensive review of influential literature in the field of inflation is conducted to reveal the evolution and trends of the field. Methods: First, we focus on these high-quality documents about the descriptive statistical characteristics, high cited documents and high impact factor journals. Then, based on the visualization tool, the cooperative network of countries/regions, authors and institutions is depicted and the cooperative relationship between them is determined. At the same time, the most influential countries/regions, authors and institutions are identified by analyzing the citation structure. In addition, through thematic and keyword analysis, the topic hotspots and future research trends of high-quality literature in the field of inflation are deduced. Findings & value added: On the whole, the research on inflation in the United States is relatively mature, and has produced a large number of influential academic cooperation results. Finally, we have a series of discussions on the history of inflation in the United States and policy suggestions. In the future, governments of various countries, especially the United States, will still face certain challenges in how to formulate policies and measures to mitigate the impact of inflation.

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