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Tytuł pozycji:

Gastropods [Trochoidea: Trochidae Rafinesque, 1815 and Calliostomatidae Thiele, 1924 (1847)] from the middle Miocene of Ukraine, Central Paratethys

Gastropods [Trochoidea: Trochidae Rafinesque, 1815 and Calliostomatidae Thiele, 1924 (1847)] from the middle Miocene of Ukraine, Central Paratethys
Nosowska, Ewa
middle Miocene
Central Paratethys
środkowy miocen
Paratetyda Środkowa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2020, 70, 4; 453-528
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Over three thousand specimens representing the superfamily Trochoidea Rafinesque, 1815 [Trochidae Rafi-nesque, 1815 and Calliostomatidae Thiele, 1924 (1847)] from the upper Upper Badenian = Kosovian = lower Serra vallian (middle Miocene) marine deposits of Ukraine, housed in the collections of the Polish Academy of Sciences Museum of the Earth in Warsaw (MZ), are studied herein. The abundant material has allowed for investigations of the intraspecific variation and revision of earlier determinations. As a result, 21 species belong¬ing to 5 genera have been identified, described and illustrated, of which one is new [Clanculus (Clanculopsis) krachi sp. nov.] and one is left in open nomenclature. Granulifera O. Anistratenko, 2000 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Clanculopsis Monterosato, 1879; Granulifera pulla O. Anistratenko, 2000 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Monodonta tuberculata Eichwald, 1830; Gibbula sytovae Amitrov, 1961 is con¬sidered a junior subjective synonym of Trochus miocaenicus Mayer, 1853; Gibbula volhynica Friedberg, 1928 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Trochus novemcinctus von Buch, 1830; and Trochus buchii du Bois de Montpéreux, 1831 is suppressed in favour of the senior subjective synonym Trochus puschii Andrzejowski, 1830. The geographic distribution and stratigraphic ranges of the taxa are given. Six species are known only from the Polish-Ukrainian part of the Fore-Carpathian Basin. The protoconch features are systematically studied in the Trochidae and Calliostomatidae from this area for the first time.

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