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Tytuł pozycji:

Analiza porównawcza metod badania zawartości siarki w rdzeniach wiertniczych, węglu i ropach naftowych

Analiza porównawcza metod badania zawartości siarki w rdzeniach wiertniczych, węglu i ropach naftowych
Comparison of sulfur determination methods based on drilling cores, coal and petroleum samples
Matyasik, Irena
Zapała, Marek
Kierat, Maria
Wciślak, Agnieszka
ropa naftowa
analiza elementarna
crude oil
elemental analysis
Data publikacji:
Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Nafta-Gaz; 2020, 76, 7; 449--456
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The purpose of the work was to select and validate the optimal method for analyzing sulfur content in drilling cores, including those from coal seams. In addition, research was done for petroleum. As part of the work, the results of sulfur content testing were compared by means of elemental analysis in 2 analyzers: in the EA 1108 elemental analyzer, which gives the possibility of burning samples at temperatures up to 1080°C, which is not always sufficient for geological samples, and in the Leco CR12 analyzer expanded with a module for determination of sulfur, which gives the opportunity to perform the analysis at 1350°C. In the course of elemental analysis, free and bound sulfur is transformed into sulfur dioxide SO2, the content of which is measured by means of various detectors: the thermal conductivity detector (TCD) in the EA 1108 analyzer, or the infrared detector in the Leco CR 12 analyzer. Before the comparative tests, the method of sulfur analysis in the Leco CR 12 analyzer was validated. Comparative studies were carried out for rock samples, for coals, for petroleum and for kerogen. As part of the work, elemental analyses of sulfur content were carried out for 23 coal samples, 22 rock samples, 5 kerogen samples separated from these rocks and for 9 petroleum samples. Tested coal and rock material samples came from drill cores from exploratory wells. The methods used for kerogen and for coals with sulfur content over 0.75 wt % have been shown to be compatible. For oils, compatibility was observed above 0.3% sulfur content. Much worse compliance was obtained for rock matter from drilling cores, characterized by dispersion of organic matter. For samples with low sulfur content, determinations in the EA 1108 analyzer provide more reliable results. For media with a high dispersion of organic matter, such as Istebna Beds, the results of determinations in the Leco CR12 analyzer are more reliable due to the size of the analytical sample.

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