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Tytuł pozycji:

Przykładowe badania uciążliwości emisji hałasu z ciągu komunikacyjnego

Przykładowe badania uciążliwości emisji hałasu z ciągu komunikacyjnego
Sample surveys of nuisance of noise emissions from communication pathway
Profaska, M.
Korban, Z.
Kernert, R
ciąg komunikacyjny
ekrany akustyczne
pomiar hałasu
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2012, Tom 14; 800-813
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The quality of existence of residents of major cities depends on many factors. A sound emission generated and emitted from traffic routes is one of factors of the environment affecting the quality of life. When the value of this emission exceeds permissible values, we are talking then about arduousness. The factor which is often discussed is a noise nuisance. In order to determine acoustic nuisance for residents in major city's traffic route surveys of the noise emission were conducted. Surveys of noise emission were made in Zabrze at W. Korfanty avenue. Ten floor residential buildings of 30 m of height are located along the avenue. The buildings are not protected acoustically and residents are complaining about noise. According to the Regulation of Polish Minister of the Environment [6] area where surveys were conducted is ranked to multifamily housing and of collective housing. Permissible values are: 60 dB for LAeq(D) and 50 dB for LAeq(N). The surveys were conducted in six points (fig. 1). Results from individual test points are presented in table 1 and 2. For obtained results an equivalent level of the sum of acoustic situations was calculated for each point for a time of day and night. Results of calculations are presented in table 3. Next analysis of the widened uncertainty of measurements was conducted, where the uncertainty of types A and B was estimated for each acoustic situation on the confidence level of the 95% [3]. Results are presented in table 4. As a result of research and analysis of traffic noise emission along with the calculation of the uncertainties points were identified where permissible values were exceeded and specified acoustic annoyance of the area was determined. This parameter is at medium and large level. Considering the cases exceeding permissible values at first, second, third (only at night), and the fifth measuring points it may be concluded that at the studied area by W. Korfanty avenue noise occurring is too large and actions should be taken to minimize it. Also calculations of effectiveness of vertical screens in minimization of noise for the buildings and their inhabitants were presented, due to the fact that this type of screens is dominating in Poland. Efficiency of a typical acoustic screen shows that its shadow zone is not suitable for all floors of apartment buildings located near of W. Korfanty avenue. The effectiveness of screening fell below the expected at height of 7 m, which corresponds to abut the second floor of building. In order to improve the effectiveness of the screen its geometric parameters should be analyzed.

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