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Tytuł pozycji:

Application of the Monte Carlo algorithm for solving volume integral equation in light scattering simulations

Application of the Monte Carlo algorithm for solving volume integral equation in light scattering simulations
Kraszewski, Maciej
Pluciński, Jerzy
light scattering
numerical methods
Monte Carlo
discrete dipole approximation
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Optica Applicata; 2020, 50, 1; 1-15
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Various numerical methods were proposed for analysis of the light scattering phenomenon. An important group of these methods is based on solving the volume integral equation describing the light scattering process. The popular method from this group is the discrete dipole approximation. Discrete dipole approximation uses various numerical algorithms to solve the discretized integral equation. In the recent years, the application of the Monte Carlo algorithm as one of them was proposed. In this research, we analyze the application of the Monte Carlo algorithm for two cases: the light scattering by large particles and by random conglomerates of small particles. We show that if proper preconditioning of the numerical problem is applied, the Monte Carlo algorithm can solve the underlying systems of linear equations. We also show that the efficiency of the Monte Carlo algorithm can be increased by reusing performed computations for various incident electromagnetic waves and the applicability of the Monte Carlo algorithm depends on the particular use case. It is unlikely to be used in the case of light scattering by the large particles due to computational times inferior comparing with the other numerical methods but may become useful in the case of light scattering by the random conglomerates of small scattering particles.

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