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Ocena uszkodzen mechanicznych ziarna pszenicy wykrywanych technika rentgenograficzna

Ocena uszkodzen mechanicznych ziarna pszenicy wykrywanych technika rentgenograficzna
Assessment of mechanical damage to wheat grain as detected by means of the x-ray technique
Niewczas, J
uszkodzenia mechaniczne
mechanical damage
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Acta Agrophysica; 1994, 02; 3-56
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The study presents a method for definite digital recording of the status of internal damage (mainly cracks of endosperm) of wheat kernel. The method consists in the identification of damage in the particular fields of a square grid covering the X-ray image of the kernel under study. A number of indices have been proposed, making use of that identification. Some of those can also (to a certain extent) take into consideration the location of the damage. This means that, basing on the value of such an index, it is possible to reconstruct the damage condition of a kernel with an accuracy corresponding to the kernel division. In the study an overall index was employed, defined as the number of the rectangles of the grid in which damage was observed. It allowed for performance of qualitative and quantitative analyses of the damage status of the wheat grain samples under study. The damage was caused by the effect of mechanical loading. The test material was constituted by samples of ordinary winter wheat (Gama, Liwilla, Jara) and spring wheat (Henika, Jara, Kadett) originating from machine threshing. The destructive factor was introduced by means of the application levels - 4 MPa and 8 MPa) and dynamic loading of individual kernels (two levels - 20 m/s and 25 m/s). Among other things, the study allowed for the formulation of the following conclusions: 1. The quantitative assessment of the status of damage of the wheat grain samples studied showed a significant intervarietal differentiation, not only as a result of the effect of the types of loading applied, and especially of their levels, but also in the control material. The control samples of all the varieties tested were characterized by indexes significantly above zero, with spring varieties showing a considerably higher level of initial damage. 2. The grain of the winter varieties turned out to be more susceptible to damage under sialic loading, and that of the spring varieties - under dynamic loading. In the case of the spring varieties, the application of dynamic loading resulted in the appearance of a large number of kernels with the highest level of destruction. 3. The application of the proposed method for the assessment of the status of damage to wheat grain permits the verification of a number of known hypothesis and the solution of new problems concerning the study of the effect of various factors on the status of damage to grain and of its relation to the other properties of the grain - physical, biological, and technological.

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