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Tytuł pozycji:

The proposition of utilisation the vehicle in 1:5 scale to construction and testing of an autonomous vehicle

The proposition of utilisation the vehicle in 1:5 scale to construction and testing of an autonomous vehicle
Parczewski, K.
Romaniszyn, K. M.
autonomous vehicle
determining the trajectory of the vehicle
correction of the vehicle motion trajectory
pojazd autonomiczny
określenie trajektorii pojazdu
korekta trajektorii ruchu pojazdu
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Combustion Engines; 2017, 56, 1; 125-128
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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In the near future, vehicles will be moving autonomously with little participation or completely without the driver affecting on the vehicle move. Task of driver will be limited to identify the end point of the vehicle route. Vehicles, to meet this challenge, must be equipped with the control systems and supervising the movement of the vehicle, reacting onto the movement of pedestrians and other vehicles, road signs, time of day and weather conditions. The movement of the vehicle will be controlled and driven by a system on board a vehicle, but will also be required to tracking the vehicles position and its movement parameters using of the vehicle satellite navigation systems. In addition, the motion trajectory of the vehicle will be determined and any deviation from the target track will be corrected. The article presents a proposal for determining the trajectory of the vehicle based on the control points specified by the coordinates of the location of the vehicle and ways of correcting the trajectory of the vehicle. For this purpose was utilized the vehicle in scale.

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