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Tytuł pozycji:

Barriers and opportunities in implementation of Lean Manufacturing tools in the ceramic industry

Barriers and opportunities in implementation of Lean Manufacturing tools in the ceramic industry
Kleszcz, D.
lean manufacturing
lean management
ceramic industry
barriers to implementation
lean tools
szczupłe zarządzanie
przemysł ceramiczny
zarządzanie zmianą
koncepcja Lean
narzędzia Lean
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji
CC BY-SA: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
Production Engineering Archives; 2018, 19; 48-52
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The concept of lean management in an organization, improving products and processes using the Lean Manufacturing concept, is discussed in this paper. Striving for excellence is the key factor in maintaining competitiveness on the market. Only organizations able to adapt to changing environ-mental conditions faster than others achieve an advantage, and the management in line with the Lean Manufacturing philosophy is de facto change management. In this paper, important factors in the ceramic industry, which should be taken into account when implementing Lean Manufacturing are characterized. Important factors affecting the implementation of lean tools include, such as: the size of the enterprise, involvement of employees, knowledge about the Lean concept, technological factor, type and variety of the product line, as well as the specificity of the ceramic industry. The greatest opportunity associated with the implementation of Lean is to increase the competitiveness of the company obtained through: meeting the quality and economic expectations of customers. The greatest opportunity associated with implementation of the Lean is to increase competitiveness of the company obtained through: meeting the quality and economic expectations of their customers. Practice shows, however, that despite the simplicity of rules and tools, few organizations manage to achieve the level of excellence of the pioneer of this concept, the Japanese Toyota Corporation.

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