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Tytuł pozycji:

Cardiac Rehabilitation in Heart Failure. Part I, Mechanism

Cardiac Rehabilitation in Heart Failure. Part I, Mechanism
Kujawska, Agnieszka
Husejko, Jakub
Marszałek, Agata
Szczęśniak, Żaneta
Topka, Weronika
Gajos, Małgorzata
Androsiuk-Perkowska, Joanna
Perkowski, Radosław
Natalia, Skierkowska
Kujawski, Sławomir
Kędziora-Kornatowska, Kornelia
cardiac rehabilitation
exercise training
heart failure
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
CC BY-SA: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2018, 21, 1; 13-21
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Diagnosis and treatment issues among heart failure (HF) patients are becoming one of the most important points in public health of developed countries, largely due to the aging of population and the fact that HF affects mainly the elderly. In this review we would like to focus on pathophysiology of exercise intolerance in patients with heart failure and potential benefits of cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Analysis of articles in the EBSCO database using keywords: heart failure, cardiac rehabilitation, exercise training, pathophysiology. HF can be described as a composite syndrome which results from structural or functional impairment of ventricular filling or blood ejection. Patients have variety of symptoms which usually are nonspecific. The most frequently occurring symptoms of HF are dyspnea and fatigue, which may restrict exercise capacity, and fluid retention. There are many possible pathophysiological factors involved in the development of exercise intolerance. Based on the available literature pathological changes in central hemodynamic function, pulmonary system, skeletal muscles, endothelial function and neurohumoral system can be distinguished. They play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of HF symptoms and represent a potential curative object. HF patients are characterized by diminished functional performance. Exercise training has many potential profits in patients with heart failure, including an increase in peak oxygen uptake, improvement in central hemodynamics, peripheral vascular and skeletal muscle function and has become part of evidence-based clinical therapy in these patients.

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