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Tytuł pozycji:

Ekonomia XXI Wieku 2014, nr 4(4) : Praca zbiorowa

Ekonomia XXI Wieku 2014, nr 4(4) : Praca zbiorowa
Publikacje darmowe
Słowa kluczowe:
rules of trade politics
V4 Group
economic integration
international trade in services
trade politics
commercial services
Data publikacji:
Wrocław : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Opis fizyczny:
148 s.
Spis treści  Link otwiera się w nowym oknie
Dostawca treści:
IBUK Libra
  Przejdź do źródła  Link otwiera się w nowym oknie

The presented volume is another publication prepared in the series titled “Economics of the 21st Century”. This time, the authors of the articles included in this study, consider economic problems that can be observed globally, regionally, as well as on the national scale.

The publication opens with two interesting articles that reflect on issues related to international flows of goods and services on the global scale. Małgorzata Domiter analyses the importance of global trade rules, in particular related to the MFN for developing economies, and Magdalena Myszkowska in turn deliberates the significance of trade in services in the modern global economy. The focus of the authors of the third and fourth article is made on economic phenomena observed at the level of selected regional groupings. Paweł Kowalik shows the main trends in trade and their economic effects on the example of NAFTA, and Piotr Ptak presents the impact of the debt crisis on the economies of the Visegrad Group and the challenges facing them as a result. The next five articles of the publication discuss chosen economic problems seen through the prism of national economies, namely Japan and Poland. Sebastian Bobowski reflects on the contemporary vision of the Japan’s role in Asian regionalism. Ryta Dziemianowicz, Adam Wyszkowski and Renata Budlewska analyse jointly expenditures through Polish tax system. The use of the cluster concept for medical tourism development opportunities in Poland is presented in turn by Sebastian Bobowski and Marcin Haberla. An interesting study on the labour market of renewable sources of energy in Poland is prepared by Alicja Graczyk. The last article, written by Anna Marciszewska, is devoted to structural funds directed to the development of non-profit organisations.

The issue is closed by an informational note prepared by Anna H. Jankowiak on the series of international scientific conferences devoted to the economic, social and political problems in the Asia-Pacific Region, which are organised by the Asia–Pacific Research Centre. These meetings of scientists, diplomats and enthusiasts from Poland and all over the world interested in Asian problems, have been taken place annually at Wrocław University of Economics since 2008.

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