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Tytuł pozycji:

Poésie en classe du français langue étrangère – contribution au développement des compétences linguistiques et culturelles

Poésie en classe du français langue étrangère – contribution au développement des compétences linguistiques et culturelles
Poetry in the Didactics of French as a Foreign language: Contribution to the Development of Linguistic and Cultural Competences
Kalinowska, Ewa
français langue étrangère
littérature d’expression française
poésie de langue française
French as a foreign language
French-language literature
French-language poetry
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL
Quand regarder fait lire. Nouveaux défis dans l’enseignement des littératures de langue française. Pluralités européennes, n° 1/27; 77-88
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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This paper explores the issue of teaching foreign literature – especially poetry – during the foreign language classes. Indeed teaching of literature/poetry as a part of a foreign language education remains a vehemently debated issue. Which and whose poetry should be taught? How should it be taught? What role should the learners’ culture play in the acquisition of knowledge of the French-language poetry? How can the French language teachers learn the skill of incorporating poetry into their teaching of French as a foreign language? And how can they develop the learners both linguistic and cultural competence? Those questions are to be answered in the paper.

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