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Tytuł pozycji:

Specialist counselling in the social work with a person and a family after a traumatic experience

Specialist counselling in the social work with a person and a family after a traumatic experience
Weissbrot-Koziarska,, Anna
specialist counselling
post-traumatic stress disorder
social work
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
CC BY-NC: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne 4.0
Praca Socjalna; 2020, 35(2); 106-116
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Times we live in make us question what is going to happen with the world after the pandemic. The struggle against COVID-19 and changes produced will have impact on the mind of many people. Some lose their relatives, who they cannot bury. Others live in a constant state of fear about their health and future living. The world will never be the same. People will never be as they were before this traumatic event. The invisible enemy – coronavirus – will leave a lasting mark on their memory. Many will need support which can be provided by specialist counselling. Many will struggle with a trauma, which will make the return to “normality” impossible for a long time. A traumatic experience is a psychological trauma suffered by a person and caused by a strong, sudden stimulus. This stimulus is intensive enough to cause changes in the areas of soma, psyche and polis, and it also directly threatens health or life of a person. People after a traumatic experience require a complex assistance to return to their normal functioning. Currently, this stimulus is a deadly virus. The article presents the role of the specialist counselling in the area of social work with a person and their family after a traumatic experience.

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