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Original approach for the drilling process optimization in open cast mines; Case study of Kef Essenoun open pit mine Northeast of Algeria

Original approach for the drilling process optimization in open cast mines; Case study of Kef Essenoun open pit mine Northeast of Algeria
Rais, K.
Kara, M.
Gadri, L.
Hadji, R.
Khochmen, L.
statistical analysis
design of experimental
Taguchi method
phosphate mine
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Wydział Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii. Instytut Górnictwa
CC BY-NC: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 PL
Mining Science; 2017, 24; 147-159
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The drill ability is a fundamental factor for bit penetration rate (PR) in mining engineering. The ability to predict the performance of rock drills is important for drilling operations. Not a single parameter defines the drill ability of a rock. For this task, a considerable amount of fieldwork must be done to provide the necessary data i.e.: rock properties and drilling technologies. The main purpose of this research is to conduct an experimental study under varying rotation and pressures on the drilling bit for different geological formations. This paper presents a statistical analysis of process parameters of drilling in a phosphate mine in Jebel Onk, Tebessa, Algeria. Settings drilling parameters were determined by applying the design of experiments method. The level of importance of drilling parameters is determined by using analysis of variances. First, the teamwork determined the mathematical model for representative conditions of the phosphate mine of Jebel Onk. This mathematical model is a vital mathematical requirement for the operation engineers to deduce and determine the penetration rate according to the demands of work and to maximize the efficiency of the drilling machine and to minimize the bit wear in the abrasive layer.

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