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Lapidarium Zofii Kossak-Szatkowskiej z peregrynacji po Polsce popaździernikowej

Lapidarium Zofii Kossak-Szatkowskiej z peregrynacji po Polsce popaździernikowej
Miękina-Pindur, Jadwiga
Zofia Kossak-Szatkowska’s Lapidarium from her peregrinations across post-October Poland The article is an attempt to present the previously unknown manuscript lapidary of Zofia Kossak-Szatkowska against the background of her other texts of autobiograph
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Konteksty Kultury; 2014, 11, 2
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Zofia Kossak-Szatkowska’s Lapidarium from her peregrinations across post-October PolandThe article is an attempt to present the previously unknown manuscript lapidary of Zofia Kossak-Szatkowska against the background of her other texts of autobiographic character. The unpublished works of the writer include her notes,unknown to wider audience, from several spring weeks of 1957. These notes mostly describe a journey across Poland, undertaken by the author of The Blaze immediately after her return to Poland from forcedemigration in Cornwall. What comes to the fore are descriptions of meetings with readers as well as observations of people and places she visited. A sharp observer, she watches the monuments of history with the eye of an expert, registers feelingsof people, and in some places, sketches an indirect description of the Polish literary environment. She enjoys Polish landscapes and lush nature in the spring.Zofia Kossak was immersedin the past for more than half a century, both in her history-oriented literary works and in her memoirs, particularly in those written in hindsight(The Blaze, From the Abyss, Memoirs from Cornwall). She always cared about documenting a moment, which can be seen in the diaristrecords of her lapidary, well aware that what is happening now will come to past in a moment.

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