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Monarchia w poszukiwaniu nowego status quo. Sytuacja polityczna w Koronie przed unią horodelską, 1399–1413

Monarchia w poszukiwaniu nowego status quo. Sytuacja polityczna w Koronie przed unią horodelską, 1399–1413
Fałkowski, Wojciech
Królestwo Polskie, Władysław Jagiełło, monarcha, legitymizacja władzy, królewscy doradcy, zjazdy generalne
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Prace Historyczne; 2014, 141, 2
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Monarchy in search of a new status quo. The political situation in the Crown before the Union of Horodlo 1399–1413 After the death of queen Hedwig in 1399 the Polish political elites had to redefine the overriding interests of the Crown and the legal situation of its ruler Ladislaus Jagiello. The issue which required an immediate answer concerned the ideological and political right to ascend to the throne and this led to the need of discussing the changes of the resolutions passed at the Union of Krewo. The period marked by the years 1399–1401 constituted a breakthrough in Jagiello’s rule, as at that time the king obtained a greater freedom of maneuver. In the charter of the Union of Radom, the corpus of the highest state administration confirmed the accord negotiated between the ruler and his subjects. According to the author, the beginning of the 15th century marked a period of soft politics which avoided violating the interests of powerful family groups and regional factions while at the same time by degrees promoting the king’s trusted favorites. Jagiello’s strategic goal was to acquire a strong personal position both in the Crown and in Lithuania. Whereas the years following the triumph at Grunwald brought about a more expansive policy, accompanied by a series of provoked conflicts associated with the formation of close-knit ruling elites by the side of the monarch. At the same time, a balance could be observed between the personal goals of the Giedyminowicze family and the program represented by the Crown lords who accepted the former ones’ vision of the grand monarchy. 

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