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Tytuł pozycji:

Understanding the TragiComedy of the New Commons

Understanding the TragiComedy of the New Commons
Montesi, Cristina
Informacja w internecie
Serwis internetowy
Źródła informacji
Information on the Internet
Information source
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2013, 149; 76-89
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Dealing with the topic of Common Goods, the paper has considered the socio-logic which acts (locally and globally) in the dimension of culture, but which makes also incursions into the sphere of nature (both globally and local). This new perspective can have positive effects in various ways on the theme of Common Goods: -- to broaden the categories of Common Goods which from natural/environmental resources (described as survival common goods because they are fundamental to life at local and global level) expand to encompass the New Commons (alias social commons which show different characteristics); - to explain the issue of the tragedy of the Commons in a different way: not induced by the intrinsic characteristics of the good (non-excludability, but rivalry in consumption) as the traditional economic theory supposes, but provoked by the non-cooperative relations between men as an economic theory, which would place itself innovatively in a relational perspective, could assume, changing its statute towards an interdisciplinary approach; in this conceptual frame Wikipedia becomes an happy example of the comedy of Common Goods based on cooperation among people aimed to an ethical production of knowledge carried out through decentralized coordination; - to single out, among the New Commons, different tipologies of Common Goods related to culture, to ICT, to human creativity, to scientific discoveries; -- to collocate, among the New Commons related to ICT, Wikipedia, a new Encyclopedia on-line, whose creation and maintenance disavow economic mainstream which describe people only as individualistic, selfish and possessive persons, even if is not totally immune from some tragedies which are still in ambush, but easily controllable; - to show the distinctive traits of Wikipedia: being a free and a peer production of knowledge based on ethics with its guide lines and norms choosen by people, one of the possible way of governing the Commons, like Elinor Ostrom has pointed out, which carries out the full triumph of all the principles of French Revolution (liberté, égalité, fraternité).

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