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Tytuł pozycji:

The concept of right to culture in international relations

The concept of right to culture in international relations
Budziszewska, Anita
right to culture
international law
ECHR judgments
international organizations
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Instytut Nauki o Polityce
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Polish Journal of Political Science; 2018, 4, 3; 7-36
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The notions of culturalization of human rights law and the concept of right to culture are fairly new issues, arising from the changes in the area of application and understanding of international law as well as from the signs of growing sensitivity to the sphere of culture, but also the need to take into account the broad cultural context. As a result of these changes international bodies, courts and institutions pay more attention to the role of culture in human rights. Based on this process, we can observe the emergence of the concept of the right to culture as one of the fundamental human rights. This article thus seeks to answer questions as to what the right to culture might be, how is understood, whether it is rooted in international law, and how it might be being given effect to. Considering that this is a very broad and multifaceted issue, the goals here have been limited to a very general indication of the key issues related to the emerging concept of the right to culture. Hence, due to the current debate the article’s aims it to highlight the foundation of the right to culture, give overview how the right might be perceived and where we can find elements constituting the right to culture (here e.g. international bodies judgments).

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