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Tytuł pozycji:

Andragogika w Niemczech a zewnetrzne, pośrednie i wewnętrzne warunki jej rozwoju

Andragogika w Niemczech a zewnetrzne, pośrednie i wewnętrzne warunki jej rozwoju
Andragogy in Germany and external, mediate and internal conditions of its development
Solarczyk-Szwec, Hanna
adult education science in Germany
factors of andragogy development
strategies of science
Data publikacji:
Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Rocznik Andragogiczny; 2008, R. 2008; 145-155
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Political and social recognition of lifelong learning idea caused that andragogy at the end of the 20th century became closer to the center of social science. This profitable place can be justified and consolidated only when andragogy will be a discipline that is conscious of its provenience and identity built on solid theoretical basis. Does German andragogy fulfill those criteria? In search of the answer to this question the authoress conducted historical research, that were done twofold: chronological reconstruction and problem organization of content on the basis of concept of external, mediate and internal conditions of the discipline's development. Conducted analysis shows the changing role of the mentioned factors in time and its influence on scientific condition of andragogy in Germany, and in effect shows its specific character as discipline, especially vulnerable to utilitarian influence of practice and policy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of strategy of science? - this is another important question of the article. Generalizations presented in the authoress' book 'Andragogika w Niemczech. Warunki rozwoju dyscypliny pedagogicznej' (Wyd. UMK, Torun 2008) help to answer those questions and provide material for comparative research, that can be used in order to evaluate other, local andragogies, e.g. Polish andragogy.

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