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Tytuł pozycji:

Development and optimization of an Automated Irrigation System

Development and optimization of an Automated Irrigation System
Daniyan, Lanre
Nwachukwu, Ezechi
Daniyan, Ilesanmi
Bonaventure, Okere
additive manufacturing
intelligent system
produkcja dodatkowa
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
CC BY-SA: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkach 3.0 PL
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems; 2019, 13, 1; 37-45
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The deployment of appropriate technologies to enhance modern agricultural practices and improve crop yields is imperative for sustainability. This paper presents the development of a standalone automated irrigation system. The system design features good automation and control, which was achieved using an array of electronic timing system, soil feedback sensor and wireless communication system. Autonomous irrigation events are based on the states of the timing system, the soil feedback system and the wireless communication system. The control and automation of these systems was done using an AVR microcontroller, which was programmed to trigger intelligent and independent farm irrigation operation through a water pump attached to the system. The system also operates remotely via SMS command from mobile device and sends operational status feedback via SMS to preprogrammed mobile user(s). It also sends soil moisture condition to a remote user upon query. The system package was produced using additive manufacturing technique. The power supply system was implemented using solar power system in order to achieve a standalone, autonomous and reliable power supply necessary for an independent operation. The performance evaluation of the developed system show impressive response time, good reliability and excellent stability. Furthermore, the numerical experiment conducted using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) produced a mathematical model for the optimization of the irrigation process for optimum performance and cost effectiveness.

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