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Tytuł pozycji:

Study of the daily irregularity on specific routes, servicing the passenger stops in ruse Bulgaria

Study of the daily irregularity on specific routes, servicing the passenger stops in ruse Bulgaria
Pencheva, Velizara
Asenov, Asen
Grozev, Dimitar
Georgiev, Ivan
Stoyanov, Pavel
passenger transport
passenger stop
urban transport
transport node
transport pasażerski
przystanek osobowy
transport miejski
węzeł komunikacyjny
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Transport Problems; 2019, 14, 4; 5-19
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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For this study, an analysis of a system of transport nodes of the railway and bus service transportation was carried out. A principal scheme of a transport node in typical cities for Bulgaria and a sample flow chart are presented. The categories of basic requirements for transport nodes in cities are also defined. On the basis of a railway system and bus transport nodes in the city of Ruse, Bulgaria, research on the interaction of the system with the mass urban passenger transport has been conducted. As a result, a mathematical model is proposed for the average daily inbound flows of passengers to a specific passenger stop, and a specific route has been modelled to be used as a server. An assessment of the daily irregularity on this route has been performed and a system has been modelled as a system of mass service for assessing the capacity and organization of work. The incoming passenger flows and the speed of passenger service have also been defined as a non-stationary Poisson flow. Under the conditions of non-stationarity flows, the basic values of the system parameters have been calculated and an application has been created in the MatLab platform. For a model of the system of mass service, the system of the differential-algebraic equations Kolmogorov/Erlangen for stochastic processes has been selected.

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