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Tytuł pozycji:

Effects of infrasound generated in urban areas on health of people and animals - an attempt to localize environmental infrasound sources using computer simulations

Effects of infrasound generated in urban areas on health of people and animals - an attempt to localize environmental infrasound sources using computer simulations
Nowicki, G.
Nowicki, T.J.
Prystupa, A.
Slusarska, B.
Chemperek, E.
low-frequency sound zob.infrasound
urban area
human health
animal health
environmental infrasound source
computer simulation
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research; 2014, 08, 2
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Introduction. Inaudible but ubiquitous environmental infrasound undoubtedly affects the frame of mind and health of humans. Objective. The object of the study is to prove that civil engineering objects can be sources of infrasound, and a review of the literature on effects of infrasound on the health of people and animals. Methods. Computer simulation of an air flow around a typical element of outdoor infrastructure. The simulation was carried out using the author’s computer programme, based on Discrete Vortex Method algorithms. Results and conclusions. The numerical experiment clearly proved that industrial objects can be sources of infrasonic noise during windy weather. The picture of air flow around a cylinder shows that regular turbulent motion is a source of sound with one dominating frequency. The sound once generated propagate far from its source. Frequency and intensity of the sound depends on wind velocity and shape of the object. Further research in this area are advisable.

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