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Elements of Ontology in Luther’s Lectures on Romans (1515–1516)

Elements of Ontology in Luther’s Lectures on Romans (1515–1516)
Žák, Ľubomír
Martin Luther
Letter to the Romans
Ontology and Revelation
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
CC BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PL
Theological Research. A Journal of Systematic Theology; 2020, 8; 101-129
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The author starts from the assumption that Martin Luther did not want to deny the importance of ontology (and metaphysics) for theology, but rather to regulate the meaning and use of the categories and main ontological concepts/terms in the perspective of the novum of God’s Revelation in Jesus Christ, (a novum) witnessed by the Holy Scripture as the origin of a being renewed through faith. By examining some passages of his Lectures on Romans (1515–1516), the article highlights the presence of some significant “ontological signals” of the reformer’s thought, in particular those that intend to express the being of the believer with concepts like “Exchange of Forms,” creatio ex nihilo, transitus and actus/motus. Furthermore, it shows that Luther understands these concepts in a relational key, that is, he considers the relationship between the triune Creator and His creature as absolutely essential for the understanding of the person’s being; a relationship that on the one hand is already given – and ontologically will never be interrupted – through every single act of creation (i.e. with the birth of every human being), and on the other hand is being implemented through the gift of faith in Christ, understood as a relationship of trusting acceptance of the triune Creator’s will of communion.

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