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Tytuł pozycji:

Food Safety: A Developing Country Perspective

Food Safety: A Developing Country Perspective
Togan, Sübidey
food safety issues
food trade
trade facilitation
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Central European Economic Journal; 2024, 11, 58; 54-66
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Developing countries, trying to achieve an acceptable level of food safety at the least possible cost (efficiency objective) and facilitation of market access to the large and lucrative developed country food markets (market access objective), could follow the multilateral, regional, unilateral or the independent approach. The paper studying the pros and cons of these approaches aims to determine the most appropriate food safety reform package. It shows that the best approach is the unilateral. Under this approach the achievement of efficiency objective requires the adoption and implementation of the multilateral approach. The achievement of market access objective requires the adoption and implementation of the regulatory regime of the developed country whose markets the developing country is intending to penetrate. Instead, the paper proposes that the developing country adopts and implements the developed countries‘ regulatory regime only in agricultural sub-sectors with highest comparative advantage scores, and that in all other agricultural sub-sectors the country should adopt and implement the regulatory regime as developed by multilateral approach. Since the tasks associated with designing and implementing the food safety policy reform are challenging, the paper advocates that this task should be left to a new institution, the ‘Food Safety Council‘, which needs to be formed as an autonomous public institution with sufficient financial and technical resources.

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