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Tytuł pozycji:

An energy absorption dynamic test of landing gear for 1400 kg general aviation aircraft

An energy absorption dynamic test of landing gear for 1400 kg general aviation aircraft
Jakubowski, R.
Tywoniuk, A.
landing gear
energy absorption
drop test
shock absorber
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Journal of KONES; 2016, 23, 4; 159-165
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Landing gear as one of the most crucial systems ensuring safe take-off and landing must be rigorously tested before first flight of each newborn aeroplane. In the static and dynamic tests strength, functionality and energy absorption capability of landing gear components (wheel, brake, shock absorber, support structure and retraction system) are verified. One of the most important is an energy absorption dynamic test. During drop, test campaign a landing gear damping system is not only verified but also optimized by changing parameters like: damping orifice diameter, geometry of gas and oil chambers and shock absorber and tire inflation pressures. This process often takes substantial amount of time because of influence of the mentioned parameters on landing gear energy absorption efficiency. Other factors like landing configuration spin up and spring back effects generated during wheel contact with the ground [1] also have to be considered in the energy absorption optimization process. The paper describes the landing gear drop test campaign and main challenges, which have to be overcome to achieve optimal dynamic characteristics of the system. The tested object was the main landing gear of the 1400 kg General Aviation aircraft certified in accordance with EASA CS-23 regulations. The drop test campaign was carried out in Warsaw Institute of Aviation Landing Gear Laboratory.

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