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Research on influence of condition elements the supercharger system on the parameters of the marine diesel engine

Research on influence of condition elements the supercharger system on the parameters of the marine diesel engine
Witkowski, K.
ship diesel engine
turbocharger system
active experiment
air filter
air cooler
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Journal of KONES; 2013, 20, 1; 375-380
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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This paper presents the issues related to the impact of the technical condition elements of the turbocharger system on the parameters of marine diesel engine. Turbocharger system, in addition to the injection system has a significant impact on the quality of the working process, the economics and reliability of the engine. Contamination of elements of the turbocharger system are the most common faults (24.7% of all damage to marine engines). Contamination the following relates to elements: air filters, compressor, air cooler, scavenging system elements and turbine. The detailed data follows that the contamination are usually in: flow channels supercharger – 56%, turbine flow channels – 22%, air cooler – 11%, air filter – 6%, scavenging system elements – 4%, other elements – 1%. The technical condition influence of air filter, compressor and air cooler was analyzed. The analysis was supported by the results of their own research, carried out in the laboratory on the marine diesel engine, four– stroke 3AL25/30 SULZER, supercharged turbocharger VTR160N Brown Boveri. The research was performed in the form of an active experiment to simulate contamination of particular elements of the turbocharging system. Technical condition change of the air filter, the air compressor and the air cooler have been investigated.

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