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Tytuł pozycji:

The influence of oil’s exploitation time on load carrying capacity in a slider bearing

The influence of oil’s exploitation time on load carrying capacity in a slider bearing
Sikora, G.
Miszczak, A.
oil ageing
numerical calculations
Reynolds equation
pressure distribution
load carrying capacities
viscosity changes in time
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Journal of KONES; 2015, 22, 3; 207-212
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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In this paper, authors are presenting conclusions of the numerical calculations of pressure distribution and capacity in a slider bearing with taking changes of oil viscosity in exploitation time into account. Changes of the engine oil’s viscosity, which depend on the exploitation time, were determined on Haake Mars III rheometer and the conclusions were published in Solid State Phenomena and Logistyka in 2015. Numerical calculations were performed by solving of Reynolds equation, using finite difference method and own calculation procedures in Mathcad 15. Reynolds equation was developed by solving the continuity equation and the momentum conservation equation from the fundamentals. For the considerations, the laminar and stationary lubricating of the slider bearing of finite length and full angle of wrap were taken. Assumption of the stationary flow concerns lack of changes in flow parameters in short period of considered phenomena, f. ex. in one hour. Smooth and non-porous bushing were assumed. The aim of this paper was preliminary estimation of influence of viscosity changes in the exploitation time on the load carrying capacities of the cross slider bearing. Wherefore, the viscosity changes dependence on the pressure, temperature and also shear rate, were not taken into account. The basic equations were developed to the non-dimensional form and estimated according to the thin layer theory. In the calculations, the Reynolds boundary conditions concerning pressure distribution were taken into account. Preliminary calculations were performed for different models of viscosity changes in time and circumstances, where the viscosity increases and decreases in exploitation time.

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