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Application of 3-D fracture criteria for assessment of fatigue strength of composite plate with internal delamination

Application of 3-D fracture criteria for assessment of fatigue strength of composite plate with internal delamination
Romanowicz, P.
aircraft engineering
mechanical engineering
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Journal of KONES; 2016, 23, 2; 301-308
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The fracture analysis of the composite plates with circular delaminations working in a regime of cyclic multi-axial stresses is the main object of the paper. Such structures with internal damage are mainly exposed for local or global buckling and delamination propagation under service loadings. Analyses of described phenomena are complex and require application of fracture mechanics and nonlinear analysis. The literature review of experimental and theoretical investigations of composite plates with circular delaminations is presented in the paper. The essential papers including experimental fatigue tests and theoretical techniques for studying of damage propagation growth are cited and crucial conclusions are given. In composite structures with internal delamination, the cyclic compression-tension and compression-compression stresses are the most dangerous. Moreover, the rapid increase of damage propagation occurs in the final stage of structure degradation. Such problem is investigated and illustrated on the example of rectangular plate with the circular delamination. The calculations are made for bi-axial compression and AS4/3501-6 graphite/epoxy material. The fracture analysis is made using different criteria based on the linear elastic fracture mechanics. The criteria are compared with the multiaxial experimental tests made for AS4/3501-6 graphite/epoxy material. It is observed that in composite plate with the internal delamination subjected for compressive loading the complex form of the gap opening occur. Because of this, the 3-D fracture criteria are applied in the investigations. Presented methodology allow for suitable selection of the multiaxial fracture model for analysis of such structures including interactions between different forms of the gap opening. The critical loadings for different layers orientation are estimated and given in the paper.

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