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Tytuł pozycji:

Managing of responsible consumption and sustainable production enterprises in the glocalization conditions

Managing of responsible consumption and sustainable production enterprises in the glocalization conditions
Tepliuk, Mariia
Sahaidak, Mykhailo
Petrishyna, Tetiana
Fokina-Mezentseva, Katerina
Fomenko, Boris
Vasyliev, Igor
managing innovative development
responsible consumption
sustainable production
decoupling factor
zarządzanie innowacyjnym rozwojem
odpowiedzialna konsumpcja
zrównoważona produkcja
Data publikacji:
Centrum Badań i Innowacji Pro-Akademia
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Acta Innovations; 2023, 48; 75--91
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The article discusses important issues related to lean production and consumption, providing the author's perspective on the factors and initiatives necessary for their implementation. The paper emphasizes the importance of each stakeholder's role in sustainable development. The agricultural market is analysed, and general steps for implementing a Sustainable Development Strategy are proposed, including simulations of sales and pricing policies after the introduction of sustainable development aspects. With the world's population growing and resources declining, there is a need to meet increasing demand while also conserving water resources, agricultural land, and promoting environmentally friendly labour practices. To achieve this, countries must adopt innovative approaches to responsible consumption and sustainable production, particularly in light of the socio-economic impact of COVID-19. Therefore, it is essential to develop an innovative model of sustainable consumption and production. COVID-19 has become a catalyst for socio-economic change, highlighting the adaptability of countries to change and the necessity for effective restoration and implementation of sustainable production and consumption models. This article explores the management of responsible consumption and sustainable production enterprises in the context of glocalization. It analyses the impact of global trends and local contexts on businesses striving for sustainable development. The article emphasizes the role of leadership, strategic planning, and the implementation of effective management practices in achieving these goals. The authors examine various models and approaches to managing responsible consumption and sustainable production, including concepts of green manufacturing, circular economy, and corporate social responsibility. They consider advanced practices and initiatives in these areas that are already successfully implemented by large and small enterprises. The article also investigates the influence of glocalization on enterprise management. Glocalization is defined as the convergence of global and local factors influencing businesses. It highlights the need for enterprises to adapt their strategies and operations to the specific cultural, social, and environmental contexts in which they operate, while also addressing global challenges related to responsible consumption and sustainable production.

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