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Tytuł pozycji:

Symboliczne znaczenie ornamentów źródeł ruchomych z wybranych zamków zakonnych. Przyczynek do dalszych badań nad religijnością krzyżacką w średniowiecznych Prusach

Symboliczne znaczenie ornamentów źródeł ruchomych z wybranych zamków zakonnych. Przyczynek do dalszych badań nad religijnością krzyżacką w średniowiecznych Prusach
Symbolic Significance of Portable Ornaments from Selected Teutonic Castles. Contribution to Further Research on Teutonic Religiosity in Medieval Prussia
Szczupak, Dominika
Teutonic Order
Teutonic castle
the Middle Ages
architectural detail
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Zapiski Historyczne; 2022, 87, 4; 69-96
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Medieval religiosity was manifested primarily through the worship of relics and individual saints, organisation of prayers, funding the purchase of candles, reading pious literature, and belief in miracles and epiphany. The knowledge on the subject has been provided through the studies of various medieval written sources and decorative elements in the representation rooms of Teutonic castles, which have survived to this day. Historical materials discovered during archaeological research, and renovation and maintenance works constitute equally important sources for exploring the issue of religiosity among the members of the Teutonic Order. Previously, they had not been analysed in this regard, which prompted the author of the article to put this topic under consideration, based on the example of selected discoveries made in several castles in the area of the former State of Teutonic Order in Prussia. Both the form and ornamentation of the archaeological materials may have referred to the piousness of Teutonic Knights, as indicated by the symbolic significance of the images in question, which are accepted by Christianity. Most depictions were found on the surface of architectural details from church interiors or refectories in high castles. The ornaments on their surfaces made references primarily to the figures of Mary and Christ, as well as to the apostles and parables from the Gospel of St. Matthew. At times, they may also have acted as reminders against the evil that threatened the souls of the brethren.

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