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Electronic noses for monitoring benzene occupational exposure in biological samples of Egyptian workers

Electronic noses for monitoring benzene occupational exposure in biological samples of Egyptian workers
Mohamed, Ehab I.
Khalil, Gihane I.
Abdel-Mageed, Samir M.
Bayoumi, Amani M.
Ramadan, Heba S.
Kotb, Metwally A.
muconic acid
exhaled air
principal component analysis
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
CC BY-NC: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 PL
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2013, 26, 1; 165-172
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Objectives: Benzene is commonly emitted in several industries, leading to widespread environmental and occupational exposure hazards. While less toxic solvents have been substituted for benzene, it is still a component of petroleum products and is a trace impurity in industrial products resulting in continued higher occupational exposures in industrial settings in developing countries. Materials and Methods: We investigated the potential use of an electronic nose (e-nose) to monitor the headspace volatiles in biological samples from benzene-exposed Egyptian workers and non-exposed controls. The study population comprised 150 non-smoking male workers exposed to benzene and an equal number of matching non-exposed controls. We determined biomarkers of benzene used to estimate exposure and risk including: benzene in exhaled air and blood; and its urinary metabolites such as phenol and muconic acid using gas chromatography technique and a portable e-nose. Results: The average benzene concentration measured in the ambient air of the workplace of all studied industrial settings in Alexandria, Egypt; was 97.56±88.12 μg/m³ (range: 4.69–260.86 μg/m³). Levels of phenol and muconic acid were signifi cantly (p < 0.001) higher in both blood and urine of benzene-exposed workers as compared to non-exposed controls. Conclusions: The e-nose technology has successfully classifi ed and distinguished benzene-exposed workers from non-exposed controls for all measured samples of blood, urine and the exhaled air with a very high degree of precision. Thus, it will be a very useful tool for the low-cost mass screening and early detection of health hazards associated with the exposure to benzene in the industry.

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