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Tytuł pozycji:

Comparative analysis of the use or making use of direct coercive measures and firearm in selected European countries. De lege lata analysis and de lege ferenda postulates

Comparative analysis of the use or making use of direct coercive measures and firearm in selected European countries. De lege lata analysis and de lege ferenda postulates
Mielnik, Daniel
direct coercive measures and firearm
comparative analysis
national security
uniform services
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Instytut Nauki o Polityce
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Polish Journal of Political Science; 2021, 7, 2; 7-31
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The issue of direct coercive measures and firearm falls in concerto within the subject of the protection of the state internal security – since it belongs to the activity scope of entities holding competences for use or making use of the above. The entitled entities mostly include services, formations or inspections which are established for the protection of widely understood security, in particular public safety and order. The objective of this study is to attempt to conduct de lege lata analysis and the comparative analysis of the use or making use of direct coercive measures and firearm in selected European countries, and also to indicate de lege ferenda postulates. The objective of this study is to attempt to conduct de lege lata analysis and the comparative analysis of the use or making use of direct coercive measures and firearm in selected European countries, and also to indicate de lege ferenda postulates. The triangulation of research methods is applied in this study. The following methods are used: descriptive, theoretical-legal, comparative with the elements of legal comparative literature.

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